Democrat lawfare falls flat

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The Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Monday that Colorado can’t remove Donald Trump from the ballot using the 14th amendment. This is a major blow to the Democrat party who are running out of ways to keep the former President off of the ballot and out of the White House in 2024.

Liberals melted down all over Social Media as the ruling came out on Monday morning.

Here is the Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold on MSNBC.

What a shame it will be up to the American voters to decide who they want to be President.

Jena wasn’t the only one crying huge crocodile tears. Here is Democrat Congressman Jamie Raskin saying he and Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell are working to revive legislation to force Trump off of the ballot.

The Left are beside themselves that “Democracy” will be under assault because Trump is allowed to be on the ballot. I will leave you with this final tidbit of wisdom. Former ESPN host and wacko Liberal Democrat Keith Olbermann went so far as to say the Liberal Supreme Court Justices had a reading comprehension problem.

The poor Democrat party. They believed they controlled the lever of powers in the court system and that just by wanting Trump removed from the ballot they could finally take down the man that has exposed all of the Liberal idiocy that we currently see taking place in the Biden Administration.

Better Luck Next Time.

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