Is Kamala Harris an Evil Genius?

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If you’ve been paying attention over the past 10 days you’ve seen monumental forces changing the political landscape on the Democrat side of the Presidential ticket. Gone is Joe Biden and in to replace him is Kamala Harris. In a blink of an eye the Main Stream Media went from defending Joe and telling you that he was a stable genius behind the scenes, so smart that even his aides had a difficult time trying to keep up with him, to removing him from power and calling him a feeble, demented old man. What happened?

Was this a White House Coup orchestrated by the Evil Genius Kamala Harris or were there other forces in play?

Let’s take a look behind the preverbal curtain. As a country and people with common sense, we could see the cognitive decline in Joe Biden. Every fumbled misstep, word, phrase or command read on the teleprompter told you that the President wasn’t in command of all of his thoughts. The Main Stream Media continued to tell you that these things were “deep fakes” and to not believe your own eyes. As Biden continued to decline was Kamala maneuvering in background?

After Joe left Las Vegas that fateful day he went missing from the public eye for over a week. This gave Kamala and her advisors time to set into motion their plan to catapult into the political race. A race she badly lost with barely garnering one percent of the vote and dropping out of the primaries before Iowa.

Now we can’t forget the other side of this coin. If you’ve been listening to The Voice of the Working Man podcast you’re well aware of my theory about the Obama’s. Barack and Michelle have been maneuvering Joe behind the scenes playing kingmaker trying to insert their preferred candidate. One I believed was Michelle Obama herself. With all of the commotion taking place I believe Kamala pulled off the greatest coup of all times.

In my opinion I think Barack got cocky. He’s been pulling levers for so long behind the scenes I think he had all of his moves planned out and missed one crucial piece. I don’t think he saw Kamala partnering with Joe to receive his endorsement and to gain the trust and the blessing of the delegates so quickly. I think Barack thought he had time to put his pieces in place to get the desired outcome he was looking for. Complete control of the Democrat party and out playing the Biden’s and Kamala in removing them from the White House and inserting his preferred candidate.

I watched this morning as Kamala took a taped phone call from the Obama’s. It felt fake, rehearsed and out of place and I wondered to myself, why did the Obama’s wait so long to endorse Kamala?

I think the Obama’s are pissed. I think revenge is on their minds and I think currently they are plotting their course on how to remove Kamala and insert the candidate they desire. Watch the Main Stream Media in the next couple of weeks. Get ready for the crazy leaks and the unflattering stories that I think will surface against Kamala. It shouldn’t be that hard. We are talking about the former side piece of Montell Williams.

Time will tell us who the Evil Genius was.

Matt Locke is the host of the daily podcast “Voice of the Working Man” which you can listen to where all podcasts can be found. He has been a national syndicated Radio and Television host for the past 12 years.

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