Author: Matt Locke

  • The Way back Machine

    The Way back Machine

    Welcome back to the year 2016. Russia was all a rage and the Democrat party was trying to convince you that their candidate Hillary Clinton wasn’t an absolute disaster. Fast forward to 2024. The Democrat party is back to it’s old tricks and are once again trying to convince you that their candidate Kamala Harris… Read more

  • About last night

    About last night

    If you are like most Americans you are waking up to the news of the Donald Trump and Elon Musk interview that took place on X last night. Now you may read conflicting stories about technical glitches and a slow start but let’s talk about what really happened. Last night was a master class in… Read more

  • Dude looks like a lady

    Dude looks like a lady

    The Summer Olympics are in full swing and many Americans love this time of year. I can tell you that our house and my wife in particular were very much looking forward to watching. This used to be a great source of pride for many people. You’d tune in to watch the best athletes in… Read more

  • House of Cards

    House of Cards

    Awhile back I started watching the Netflix series House of Cards. Little did I know that many aspects of that show would surface in our current political environment. If you haven’t watch the show let me get you up to speed. Frank Underwood played by Kevin Spacey (We know what happened with that guy) is… Read more

  • Is Kamala Harris an Evil Genius?

    Is Kamala Harris an Evil Genius?

    If you’ve been paying attention over the past 10 days you’ve seen monumental forces changing the political landscape on the Democrat side of the Presidential ticket. Gone is Joe Biden and in to replace him is Kamala Harris. In a blink of an eye the Main Stream Media went from defending Joe and telling you… Read more

  • The Democrat Conundrum

    The Democrat Conundrum

    If you have been listening to The Voice of the Working Man podcast you’ve heard me speak about this very issue often. The Democrat party has a Huge problem. His name is Joe Biden. Joe is a worthless, lifer politician that has been drug along by the Democrat party because he’s always been a good… Read more

  • Cashless at the Ballpark

    Cashless at the Ballpark

    It was a beautiful Friday evening in Texas. The day after Independence day and a cold front had just rolled through the area taking the summer temperatures from a steamy 102 degrees to a very comfortable 75. The wife and I had decided to stay at home for Independence day celebrations because of the holiday… Read more

  • Is Journalism dead?

    Is Journalism dead?

    On Saturday former President Donald Trump held a rally for the Ohio Primary coming up on Tuesday. The beneficiary of the rally was Republican Senate candidate Bernie Moreno. Moreno is locked in a tough three way battle with Secretary of State of Ohio Frank LaRose and State Senator Matt Dolan. Days before the rally Moreno… Read more

  • Democrat lawfare falls flat

    Democrat lawfare falls flat

    The Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Monday that Colorado can’t remove Donald Trump from the ballot using the 14th amendment. This is a major blow to the Democrat party who are running out of ways to keep the former President off of the ballot and out of the White House in 2024. Liberals melted down… Read more

  • Trump smokes Bird Brain in South Carolina Primary

    Trump smokes Bird Brain in South Carolina Primary

    On Saturday voters from South Carolina took to the polls to vote in the GOP Primary. As we all knew and understood, President Trump smoked Nikki Haley by a 2 to 1 margin. So the question that must be asked is why is she still in the race? There are many theories as to why… Read more