Dude looks like a lady

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The Summer Olympics are in full swing and many Americans love this time of year. I can tell you that our house and my wife in particular were very much looking forward to watching. This used to be a great source of pride for many people. You’d tune in to watch the best athletes in the world come together to show off their exceptionalism and compete for World recognition.

That’s a far away place today. The Olympics started with what one could only call a complete disparaging of the Christian faith with the opening ceremonies openly mocking Christians all over the world. It didn’t take long for social media and in particular Twitter to pick up on the debacle.

Just when you thought that things had settled down and the Americans started racking up the medals we were hit with yet another scandal.

The Olympics is letting a man participate as a woman in a sport that can be very brutal, boxing. As long as he identifies as a woman there seems to be no problem with the Olympic committee. What have the Olympics come to? Do you think this is what the Greeks had in mind as they came together to showcase their physical prowess and honored their gods with excellence?

The young lady trained for probably most of her life to get a coveted spot on her Olympic team only to have to fight a biological male that is obviously physically superior to her. The sad reality is the man should go on and win the gold medal. The problem with that is he beat up women to do.

It’s not the victory he thinks.

Matt Locke is the host of the daily podcast “Voice of the Working Man” which you can listen to where all podcasts can be found. He has been a national syndicated Radio and Television host for the past 12 years.

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