The Democrat Conundrum

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If you have been listening to The Voice of the Working Man podcast you’ve heard me speak about this very issue often. The Democrat party has a Huge problem. His name is Joe Biden.

Joe is a worthless, lifer politician that has been drug along by the Democrat party because he’s always been a good little foot solider for the cause. They could count on him to help with abortion, taxation or civil rights votes that Democrats wanted to push their legislation through Congress.

Of course he was a blow hard. Of course he was arrogant and narcissistic. Democrats loved him that way. He was very manageable and Democrats could count on him to toe the party line.

The problem with all of this is now Joe has had a taste of power. He likes the adulation, the recognition and the ability to get rich off of his position and that’s what he’s done. He’s used his crack addled son to bring in untold fortunes to the family coffers.

Here’s the Democrat conundrum. They have allowed Joe to become the three-headed monster that he is. He’s now mentally unstable and demented and doesn’t realize that he’s bucking the very system that put him into power. He was just a foot soldier in the Democrat army and now he’s the General. A very demented General.

The Left has a couple of choices. They can negotiate with Joe and make him an offer that he can’t refuse or they can take Joe out in a variety of ways from a health issue to a broken hip to ultimately death if they so choose.

It’s going to be an interesting week and you can keep up with all of the news with The Voice of The Working Man podcast. Listen to it hear.

Matt Locke is the host of the daily podcast “Voice of the Working Man” which you can listen to where all podcasts can be found. He has been a national syndicated Radio and Television host for the past 12 years.

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