Trump smokes Bird Brain in South Carolina Primary

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On Saturday voters from South Carolina took to the polls to vote in the GOP Primary. As we all knew and understood, President Trump smoked Nikki Haley by a 2 to 1 margin. So the question that must be asked is why is she still in the race?

There are many theories as to why she’s staying in the race.

First, She’s being told that Trump isn’t going to make it to the end. The Deep State Lawfare is going to have it’s desired affect on Trump and he will end up in jail. That is the Liberal wet dream and the hopes of the Haley campaign. That’s why she’s receiving large amounts of campaign funding from Democrat entities. Nikki would love to be put in the seat of power and will be a good little pawn for the “Deep State”.

Second, I believe there are consultants telling her that Trump’s age plus health will make it almost impossible for him to make it until January of next year. As much as we want to believe as Americans that we live in a just and fair system I wouldn’t put it past the “Elites” to either try and take Trump out or work another angle of his health. Hopefully Trump has a food tester. You may think I’m joking but what other reason could you think of for a candidate who has only won 4 counties out of over 150 that were in play.

The final reason I think Nikki is staying in the race is because she has the backing of the No Labels party. National Director of the No Labels party, Joe Cunningham recently went on to Fox News and said. “We’re looking for great quality people, folks that have broad appeal to independents, Democrats, Republicans and yeah, Nikki Haley is somebody we’d definitely be interested in.” Make no mistake there are several ways Nikki can still show in November. The No Labels party is on track to be on the ballot in all 50 states come November.

There’s one big problem for Nikki. The Never Trump side of the Republican party are starting to pull their money out of her campaign. The Koch Brothers as reported by Voz Media have stopped donating to her campaign after her crushing loss in South Carolina. The conservative super PAC Americans for Prosperity, backed by the Koch Brothers, withdrew its financial support for Nikki in the Republican Primary following her defeat by Donald Trump. The news was revealed via email sent by AFP Action Executive Director Emily Seidel to staff and obtained by Politico. Not good news for Nikki.

Here’s the bottom line. As long as Democrat money keeps flowing into the Haley coffers she will continue to try and derail the Trump Train. Democrats are more than happy to play defense and continue to fund her campaign. Nothing better than keeping Trump busy fighting her, instead of going after Resident Houseplant and the Biden Administration. It may take a little bit for the Trump Campaign to secure the 1215 delegates needed for the nomination but don’t think Nikki is going anywhere anytime soon. She’s a good little puppet of the “Deep State” and the Democrat party.

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