Mental Health Control

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Democrats once again called for gun control after shootings in Kansas and Florida on Valentine’s day. The first shooting taking place right after the Kansas City Chiefs victory parade and the other at a mall in Palm Gardens. If you are like any other red-blooded American you may be asking why gun violence has escalated.

Here are my thoughts.

First gun violence is up in Democrat run cities. The policies and lack of policing has led to an ever dangerous situations where criminals commit crimes, get arrested and are let back out on the streets sometimes in the same day. Second, we have a mental health crisis taking root in America.

Let me elaborate. Democrats want and need these violent outbreaks. They continue to push drugs and hormones on children who are confused by the indoctrination in public schools and on social media. This is a planned attack on children’s very fragile psyche. Communist always come for the youth first. This is the plan. Not a single person calling for gun control today is upset about the violence that took place yesterday. They continue to beat the drum to disarm you. This is their goal, their mission. They need you compliant. They need you unarmed. They need you afraid and more than anything they need chaos.

The more you feel unsafe the more you think you need Government to protect you. It was the great Ben Franklin that said. “Those that would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety.”

It’s time to stand up for yourself and your children. It is up to you to protect your family. The Constitution gives you the right to keep and bear arms. Your duty as a parent gives you the right to protect and parent your child as you see fit. It all starts in the home and it all starts with you.

In the famous words of Ronald Reagan talking about government intrusion. “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help.”

Protect yourself.

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